July 27th, 2019
1. Welcome and Call to Order –Sophie Sevey, President 11:00
2. Introductions of Directors and New Members– Sophie
Board Members Present: Sophie Sevey, David Sinclair, Tom Perry, Peter Kliem, Wayne Erkkinnen, Carol Whitney, Charlie Quimby, Herb Olsen, Susan Nevins, Mike Holmes
3. Old Business:
a. Minutes from the 2018 Annual Meeting – Susan Nevins
The HPA secretary, Susan Nevins, presented the 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes. There was a motion, second, and unanimous vote to approve.
b. Treasurer’s report
The HPA Treasurer, Charlie Quimby, presented the 2018 Treasurer's Report.
The annual donations were increased by $200 to include the Alumni Fund for the Greenville School. All donations were distributed in 2019.
There was a motion, second, and unanimous vote to approve the 2018 Treasurer's Report.
Sophie Sevey proposed that the HPA contributions to local organizations remain the same as 2018:
Charles Dean Memorial Fund $600.00
Greenville Fireman’s Assoc $400.00
Greenville Food Cupboard $400.00
Shaw Public Library $400.00
School Alumni Fund $200.00
There was a motion, second, and unanimous vote to approve.
c. Membership Update
Susan Nevins presented the recent history of HPA membership:
· 2015 – 112 members
· 2016 – 116 members
· 2017 – 107 members
· 2018 – 95 members
d. Sign Update
Dave Sinclair is currently responsible for maintaining the road sign. He reported that he will update it 2-3 times per year. Names are removed only when a resident has not been a member for several years.
e. Dry Hydrant Committee
Board member Herb Olsen presented information about the possible Installation of a dry hydrant on the Point. This hydrant would enable the fire department to pump water from the lake to replenish their pumper at any time of year.
Eric Nelson of the Greenville Fire Dept. was present and estimated that the cost of a hydrant might be $3500 per hydrant. The work must be done by someone licensed to dig in the lake. He suggested that there might be money available from Emergency Management to help defray the cost. Eric offered to help with that contact and with the paperwork.
Peter Kliem is prepared to donate the land next to the track for the installation. Herb suggests that we set aside $4000. We will need a permit from the State and a licensed operator.
There was a motion to move forward with the dry hydrant on Peter Kliem's land and to set aside $4000 for the project. Discussion followed:
f. Internet Access on the Point
Russ Hewett is concerned about upload speeds with Consolidated Communications. He reported that Premium Choice is running fiber internet up to at least the Junction and will have four different price categories $55-$140 /month. If there's enough interest they can get a grant to get the fiber extended to Harfords Point. He provided a handout with the link to express interest. The information is also on the harfordspoint.org website. Russ will follow-up with Premium Choice. Upload and download speed would be the same. Neither service will turn off for part of the year. It would be great to express interest even if you don't commit to allow them to get the federal grant.
g. The road
The road had some problems after this rough winter. If we report to the County Commissioners that there's a pothole they must respond with 24 hours. There was concern about the erosion on the side of the road near Route 15. Members were encouraged to call the County with their concerns.
4. New Business
July 27th, 2019
1. Welcome and Call to Order –Sophie Sevey, President 11:00
2. Introductions of Directors and New Members– Sophie
Board Members Present: Sophie Sevey, David Sinclair, Tom Perry, Peter Kliem, Wayne Erkkinnen, Carol Whitney, Charlie Quimby, Herb Olsen, Susan Nevins, Mike Holmes
3. Old Business:
a. Minutes from the 2018 Annual Meeting – Susan Nevins
The HPA secretary, Susan Nevins, presented the 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes. There was a motion, second, and unanimous vote to approve.
b. Treasurer’s report
The HPA Treasurer, Charlie Quimby, presented the 2018 Treasurer's Report.
The annual donations were increased by $200 to include the Alumni Fund for the Greenville School. All donations were distributed in 2019.
There was a motion, second, and unanimous vote to approve the 2018 Treasurer's Report.
Sophie Sevey proposed that the HPA contributions to local organizations remain the same as 2018:
Charles Dean Memorial Fund $600.00
Greenville Fireman’s Assoc $400.00
Greenville Food Cupboard $400.00
Shaw Public Library $400.00
School Alumni Fund $200.00
There was a motion, second, and unanimous vote to approve.
c. Membership Update
Susan Nevins presented the recent history of HPA membership:
· 2015 – 112 members
· 2016 – 116 members
· 2017 – 107 members
· 2018 – 95 members
d. Sign Update
Dave Sinclair is currently responsible for maintaining the road sign. He reported that he will update it 2-3 times per year. Names are removed only when a resident has not been a member for several years.
e. Dry Hydrant Committee
Board member Herb Olsen presented information about the possible Installation of a dry hydrant on the Point. This hydrant would enable the fire department to pump water from the lake to replenish their pumper at any time of year.
Eric Nelson of the Greenville Fire Dept. was present and estimated that the cost of a hydrant might be $3500 per hydrant. The work must be done by someone licensed to dig in the lake. He suggested that there might be money available from Emergency Management to help defray the cost. Eric offered to help with that contact and with the paperwork.
Peter Kliem is prepared to donate the land next to the track for the installation. Herb suggests that we set aside $4000. We will need a permit from the State and a licensed operator.
There was a motion to move forward with the dry hydrant on Peter Kliem's land and to set aside $4000 for the project. Discussion followed:
- Duane Lander expressed concern about whether the HPA has the authority to undertake the project and suggested that the County Commissioners along with the Forest Service should handle this project. He's concerned that our taxes will go up.
- Rick Elsaesser suggested we should we proceed with investigating the other sites now.
f. Internet Access on the Point
Russ Hewett is concerned about upload speeds with Consolidated Communications. He reported that Premium Choice is running fiber internet up to at least the Junction and will have four different price categories $55-$140 /month. If there's enough interest they can get a grant to get the fiber extended to Harfords Point. He provided a handout with the link to express interest. The information is also on the harfordspoint.org website. Russ will follow-up with Premium Choice. Upload and download speed would be the same. Neither service will turn off for part of the year. It would be great to express interest even if you don't commit to allow them to get the federal grant.
g. The road
The road had some problems after this rough winter. If we report to the County Commissioners that there's a pothole they must respond with 24 hours. There was concern about the erosion on the side of the road near Route 15. Members were encouraged to call the County with their concerns.
4. New Business
- Nomination and Election of Directors to the Board
- Joe Gilmore
- Marie Whitney
- Sophie reported that the date of the next Annual meeting will be August 1, 20201.
- Sophie reported that Chipping Day will be on August 22 this year. Forms are available. There will also be a presentation for Harfords Point residents about wildfire prevention by the Maine Forest Service this fall. The date will be announced.
- Other New Business
- Peter Kliem has worked with the railroad to secure an agreement to repair the railroad crossing. The date will be sometime in mid-August. Traffic may be slowed but not stopped altogether during the work.
- Susan Nevins reported that she was contacted by Emergency Management of Piscataquis County to help them connect lot numbers with street numbers in order to make it easier for emergency personnel to locate residences quickly. She suggested that owners make sure that their road numbers are clearly marked to be seen both day and night. She urged residents to check if their roads are marked by green road signs. If not, contact her and she will request that Emergency Management Install them.
- Members were concerned about boat safety and boats not heeding the no wake zones within 200 feet of shore. There is no feasible way to mark the zone with buoys. Game wardens are responsible for enforcing boat safety.
- Arnold Sperling reported that the Greenville Airport now has a crew car (free loan to pilots), Jet Fuel (low priced) and Avgas. They also have ethanol free car gas for boats/snowmobiles/atv’s etc
- Donna Mabbee was concerned about the use of golf carts on the county roads and was urged to call the police if she continued to be concerned.
- Sophie adjourned the meeting at12:10.